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Dakota Shy Wine


“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”
― Jack Kerouac, On the Road

The ShyWay Tour has taken our team over 15,000 miles from May of 2020 and beyond. This journey was spun from concern of a closed tasting room in 2020, and our goal is to meet people safely where they are. What this journey has shaped was unexpected. The grind of the road has been a parallel to our current collective experience. It’s been full of twists, turns, unexpected pot holes and some interesting truck stop conversations. But each destination on this journey has deepened what it means to be Dakota Shy. Our most loyal clients and friends welcome us into their homes, showing us how our wines are woven into their lives and giving us the platform to share our story and to help shape this next chapter. It is a profound experience to meet people’s extended families, their neighbors, their colleagues and share our wines with sincerity, appreciation and a lot of laughter.

As we carry on, The Shyway Tour is evolving into our Ambassador Adventure – a multi-city tour with our team, our wines and our gratitude for those who have championed us along the way, right in your hometowns.

If you would like to be a stop on this tour, reach out to us so we can schedule time to discuss the details of our visit and collaborate with you on a magical night of wine and camaraderie.

Dakota Shy fans are the most enthusiastic and steadfast – we look forward to the opportunity to thank you your unwavering patronage while introducing and sharing Dakota Shy wines with your fellow wine-loving cohorts.

For more information:
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